so much happen lately..... so much 2 update gk.... but dunno how to type its all here without mk others hurt..... stil nk jaga hati org ek? for what? <- sume org2 yg dekat ngn aku slalu pesan kt aku..... aku ske ble dorg slalu ingtkn aku. mcm2 dorg ingtkan aku yg cepat lupe nie.... dorg slalu pesan jgn cpt lupekan ape yg org dh buat kat kite.... jgn buat baik pd org yg xpernah appreciate kebaikan kite.... yg hanya tau cari dan salah kan org lain! erm. am must owez b strong. kene kuat pd yg buat mcm kuat. kene memilih pada yg suke memilih. kene kasar pd yg slalu kasar. kene ganas pd yg pretend mcm ganas. kene kurang ajar pd yg slalu kurang ajar. kene keras pd yg buat2 keras. so' g jhnm. enuf said.
its not about money.... but sum people owez see 'money' as matters.... frienship is money kot? biasela......shit happen.....
can't smell it.... can't touch it.... only can feel it..... but still i dun hv diz greatest thing.... (greatest ke?) i wonder if i still cn hv it. once. and 2nd time. failed! dunno if i still hv a chance for d 3rd and LAST...plz?... letih beb............. lastnite watched 'armywives'...... they hv gudstory there..... gud advice.... and gud words.....
and thanks a lot to them coz owez mk me hepy........ :p
sedihnyer...aku kawan ko satu2 nya tak sebut pasal duit kan dan x pernah ko belanja kan kan kan
huh. tapi slalu mintak blanje!
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